Monday Aug 22, 2022
Why You Shouldn’t Stay in an Unhealthy Relationship for Your Kids’ Sake
Monday Aug 22, 2022
Monday Aug 22, 2022
Are you trying to stay in an unhealthy relationship because you’re worried about how a divorce will affect your kids? Maybe things have been bad for awhile, but you’re trying to stay because you think your kids will be negatively impacted. Whether you’re looking to stay in your relationship or you know it’s time to get out, there is no shortage of information, and it can be overwhelming to know what to do.
In today’s episode, I’m talking about:
-Why you shouldn’t hang your future on the shoulders of your children
-Realizing you will need to dive deeper into yourself before making a life-changing decision about your relationship that will affect your family
-How you can get to a better space to not only love and accept yourself, but your partner as well (no matter what happens with the relationship)
If you need help with living from your heart and getting to your highest self, I created a mini course to help you clear out what’s going on inside, and prepare you for any challenges ahead with your partner, kids, etc. When you start learning to love yourself, focus on your priorities, your values, and things that really are a ‘yes’ in your heart, that is when your relationships will change. You will build resilience in your kids, and they will know that no matter what happens, you’ve got them!
Grab my free mini course ‘HotMESS Method to Create Lasting Change’ to build your self-confidence and create a life that sets you free! https://theheartofconfidence.com/hotmessmethod
If you’re ready for a life coach, connect with me here: https://theheartofconfidence.com/
I would love to continue this conversation-connect with me over on Instagram!
This episode is sponsored by http://www.positivevibecoffeeco.com. Enter the code Podcast at checkout, and you’ll get 15% off your first order!
FULL SHOW NOTES: https://theheartofconfidence.com/episode126
Monday Aug 15, 2022
How to Create More Energy in Your Life
Monday Aug 15, 2022
Monday Aug 15, 2022
How many times have you told yourself that you would love to do something, but you just ‘don’t have the energy’? I’ve heard this from so many people, and I used to feel like this myself, but I learned to direct my energy in a different way, and it’s been a life changer for me! Through some consistent, healthy habits, I now know how to create the energy I need in my life, and I want to show you how you can too.
In today’s episode, I’m diving into:
-3 steps you can take to start protecting your energy now
-Learning to say ‘no’ to things that are not serving you, and are depleting your energy
-How you can reallocate some of your energy and begin working on one thing that will take you closer to your dreams
I know it’s easy to get tired, and drained, and we just don’t feel like we have anything else to give. This happens to so many of us, so I actually put together my free guide ‘5 strategies to boost your energy’ (you can find it on my website, and the link is shared below too). I promise-once you start directing your energy toward your dreams and goals, your energy will change, and you’ll start having more fun in your life!
Grab my free guide ‘5 strategies to boost your energy’ and start bringing more energy into yoru life today! https://theheartofconfidence.com/energyboost
If you’re ready for a life coach, connect with me here: https://theheartofconfidence.com/
I would love to continue this conversation-connect with me over on Instagram!
This episode is sponsored by http://www.positivevibecoffeeco.com. Enter the code Podcast at checkout, and you’ll get 15% off your first order!
FULL SHOW NOTES: https://theheartofconfidence.com/episode125
Monday Aug 08, 2022
4 Steps to Take to Make Great Things Happen in Your Life
Monday Aug 08, 2022
Monday Aug 08, 2022
Do you have big goals and dreams for your life, but you also allow excuses to get in the way? It’s pretty easy to let the chaos and uncertainty keep us from pursuing what we really want and need to do (especially over the last couple of years). If you just keep waiting around for things to get better though, you’ll be waiting forever! It’s time to stop that, and take positive action to make great things happen in your life.
In today’s episode, I’m talking about 4 steps you can take to make great things happen in your life. I’m diving into how you can choose the right project for you (what feels right and makes sense for you), the importance of having focused and dialed-in time when working on your dream, and more.
It’s okay for you to take things at your own pace, but I don’t want you to get upset or complain that things are taking too long, and nothing has changed for you either; this is up to YOU after all. It’s time to get back on track, go all in, and focus one hundred percent on your goals. I truly believe you’re capable of creating and living your best life, and making your dreams come true; I can’t wait to see you make it happen!
If you’re ready for a life coach, connect with me here: https://theheartofconfidence.com/
I would love to continue this conversation-connect with me over on Instagram!
This episode is sponsored by http://www.positivevibecoffeeco.com. Enter the code Podcast at checkout, and you’ll get 15% off your first order!
FULL SHOW NOTES: https://theheartofconfidence.com/episode124
Monday Aug 01, 2022
Understanding That Change Is a Choice
Monday Aug 01, 2022
Monday Aug 01, 2022
Do you get nervous when you think about change? Maybe you recognize that you need some change in your life, but you wonder if it’s even possible, because you’ve already tried everything there is to try. Sound familiar? You probably feel pretty discouraged when you think about change, but I want you to understand that change is a choice, and it won’t actually happen until you start taking action.
In today’s episode, I’m talking about:
-Why certain choices will keep you exactly where you are, and others will advance you to something greater
-Choosing to really believe that change is a choice, and it can be simple
-Learning that it’s just as easy for you to change as you think it is for others (your partner, family, friends, etc.)
Start asking yourself “what is it that I need to see, or do differently”? Give yourself permission to take ownership of your future; I want you to feel empowered when it comes to making a change in your life, because you (and only you) are guiding your dreams!
If you’re ready to make a change in your life and need a life coach, connect with me here: https://theheartofconfidence.com/
I would love to continue this conversation-connect with me over on Instagram!
This episode is sponsored by http://www.positivevibecoffeeco.com. Enter the code Podcast at checkout, and you’ll get 15% off your first order!
FULL SHOW NOTES: https://theheartofconfidence.com/episode123
Monday Jul 25, 2022
How to Get on the Same Financial Path with Your Partner
Monday Jul 25, 2022
Monday Jul 25, 2022
Do you struggle to talk with your partner about finances? Do you feel like you are on opposite paths, and you’re not sure you’ll ever be able to see eye-to-eye on things? If you struggle in this area, you’re definitely not alone, but it can create a pretty crappy dynamic. Money and finances can be one of the biggest conflicts in relationships, so I want to help you uncover what may be happening with you and your partner, so you can get on the same financial path.
In today’s episode, I’m talking about:
-5 different types of financial control you and/or your partner may be exhibiting
-Why you both need to take responsibility for your actions, no matter who did what to get there
-How to actually talk with and have those difficult conversations with your partner about your finances
This is not a surface level topic, so really digging deep, being vulnerable, and honestly sharing with your partner about what you’re feeling is key. Remember-you can’t change or control your partner, but you are responsible for YOU, and you have to own your crap-plain and simple. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, whether it’s a financial coach, advisor, etc., so you can get to a solid place with your finances, and show up fully in your relationship.
I’m always cheering you on, and am proud of the work you’re doing week after week, friend!
If you’re ready for a life coach, connect with me here: https://theheartofconfidence.com/
I would love to continue this conversation-connect with me over on Instagram!
This episode is sponsored by Audible-get a free 30 day trial when you go to https://www.audibletrial.com/functioninghotmess
FULL SHOW NOTES: https://theheartofconfidence.com/episode122
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Why You Need to Stop with the ”Shoulds”
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Monday Jul 18, 2022
If you’re someone who is constantly thinking about all of the things you “should” be doing in your life, this one's for you! I’m excited to bring you a special episode today from my Perfectly Imperfect Membership, and it’s all about the “shoulds” we carry around. I want you to become more aware of what is going on in your life, from the outside influences, as well as the inner fears and beliefs you have.
In today’s episode, I’m talking about:
-Why you need to stop “shoulding” all over the place
-How to notice when you’re placing “shoulds” and expectations on yourself, and on others
-How to notice when others are putting their “shoulds” and expectations on you
I’m now in a place where I’m completely at peace with how I’m living my life, and I no longer carry around others’ burdens and expectations on my shoulders. Once you can get crystal clear and be really honest about what you want your life to look like, you have to take action to get there; it’s ok to ask for help when doing so! Ultimately, I want to help you gain confidence, and get back to a place where you’re making decisions and taking action that will lead to a more meaningful life-I know it’s possible for you!
If you’re ready for a life coach, connect with me here: https://theheartofconfidence.com/
I would love to continue this conversation-connect with me over on Instagram!
This episode is sponsored by Audible-get a free 30 day trial when you go to https://www.audibletrial.com/functioninghotmess
FULL SHOW NOTES: https://theheartofconfidence.com/episode121
Monday Jul 11, 2022
How to Change Your Mindset When You Believe Something is ”Wrong” with You
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Have you ever thought to yourself “why am I not good enough”, or “why doesn’t he love me”? You’ve convinced yourself that something has to be wrong with you, and you don’t deserve better. If any of this rings true with you, I want you to know there IS a better way. I used to struggle with this type of thinking, but the good news is, you absolutely can change your mindset, and your life, for the better!
In today’s episode, I’m talking about:
-My own story of thinking something was “wrong” with me for most of my adult life (which stemmed from thoughts being planted in my head during childhood)
-How to reframe your way of thinking and realize you may not be the “broken” one in your relationships
-The importance of letting someone go if they’re showing you ‘red flags’, and making you feel unlovable, or like something is wrong with you
I want you to realize that you are deserving of love and compassion, and no one should make you feel like you aren’t. You don’t have to be angry or place blame, because ultimately, it’s about making a simple mindset shift. Once you understand it really isn’t about you (feel free to repeat that mantra over and over), the true magic happens, and you’ll be able to love yourself, and others, more fully.
If you’re ready for a life coach, connect with me here: https://theheartofconfidence.com/
I would love to continue this conversation-connect with me over on Instagram!
This episode is sponsored by Audible-get a free 30 day trial when you go to https://www.audibletrial.com/functioninghotmess
FULL SHOW NOTES: https://theheartofconfidence.com/episode120
Monday Jul 04, 2022
How to Get Back in Touch with Your Intuition
Monday Jul 04, 2022
Monday Jul 04, 2022
Do you tend to ignore that little voice that’s speaking to you when you’re going through hot mess moments? Whether you want to call it your intuition, your heart, your gut, your higher self, or something else, it’s there for a reason. Unfortunately, we like to tune it out and don’t think it matters (been there, done that), but over time, we can lose touch with it all together. I’ve learned how important it is to listen to my intuition, and I want you to get back to that place too!
In today’s episode, I’m talking about:
-Why you need to start thinking of your intuition like your best friend
-How you actually can get back in touch with your intuition if you feel like you’ve lost it, and aren’t “hearing” it anymore
-My own real-life stories of not listening to my intuition, and what happened when I didn’t, as well as what happened when I did listen to my intuition
Once we start listening to our intuition again and follow those little “nudges” we keep receiving, things will just naturally start to fall into place. Of course, this doesn’t mean we won’t ever face any obstacles, or everything will be easy from here on out (if only, right?!) However, I’ve noticed that the more I tune into my intuition, the more ‘flow’ I have, and I’m not experiencing as much inner chaos. I know this can happen for you as you continue to build the relationship with your intuition, and I’m excited to see where it takes you!
If you’re ready for a life coach, connect with me here: https://theheartofconfidence.com/
I would love to continue this conversation-connect with me over on Instagram!
This episode is sponsored by Audible-get a free 30 day trial when you go to https://www.audibletrial.com/functioninghotmess
FULL SHOW NOTES: https://theheartofconfidence.com/episode119
Monday Jun 27, 2022
Why You Need to Take Ownership of Your Life
Monday Jun 27, 2022
Monday Jun 27, 2022
Do you struggle to think about your past, because it’s too painful to dig into? Maybe you aren’t proud of some of the choices you’ve made, and you want to blame everyone else but yourself-you’re not ready to take ownership. I don’t want you to beat yourself up for feeling this way (we’re all human and make mistakes after all), but I do want to help you move forward, and make the positive progress you desire with your life.
In today’s episode, I’m talking about:
-An excerpt from my book Functioning Hot Mess: Embrace Your Inner Chaos and Be Enough in a World That Says You’re Not, about the importance of taking ownership of your life, even if the people in your life aren’t doing the same
-Learning exactly how you can take ownership back by really evaluating past events (not just staying at the surface level with how you feel)
-My own story of giving someone else too much of my power, control, and happiness, until I finally had enough
When you decide to take ownership of your life, you start to understand challenges that are placed on you, and how you want to feel moving forward. Your feelings are very real, and they are valid, and I hope you choose to investigate those. It’s time to take your power back, and live your best, empowered life!
If you’re ready for a life coach, connect with me here: https://theheartofconfidence.com/
I would love to continue this conversation-connect with me over on Instagram!
This episode is sponsored by Perfectly Imperfect Membership-https://theheartofconfidence.com/membership.
If you’re feeling like a hot mess and you know you need a change, or you’re just ready to level up and not sure where to start, you can try my new membership risk free for 7 days!
FULL SHOW NOTES: https://theheartofconfidence.com/episode118
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Pursuing Your Dreams and Embracing Your True Self with Vivianna Thomas
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Have you ever felt so passionate about something, and started visualizing it becoming a reality? My guest on today’s episode, Vivianna Thomas, shares her story about going against the grain and pursuing her dream of starting her own beauty company in 2021.
Vivianna is a mother to 2 beautiful children and a wife to a federal police officer. She is the owner and founder of American Woman Beauty, and it is unlike any other beauty company out there. Vivianna wanted to create a unique brand that supports other women who love America, love God, and aren’t afraid to exercise their right to practice the First Amendment. One of the main goals for American Woman Beauty is to create a positive community for women to come together, and celebrate all that they are with American-made makeup and beauty products.
In today’s episode, we’re talking about:
-Vivianna’s story of growing up in a military family and eventually, dealing with unsupportive people when it came to her husband’s line of work
-Realizing her deep love for her country, and her inspiration to start her own beauty brand
-Her desire to help women break out of their shells and come together, so no one is left feeling like an outcast
-The steps she took to actually start her business, and everything she’s learned since doing so
-Not being afraid to pursue something new and ask for help along the way, no matter your experience or background
-Her own work-life balance, and why she loves building her business with her kids by her side
I loved getting to chat with Vivianna, and everything she has been able to do with American Woman Beauty in such a short time is truly incredible! A great reminder for all of us is we are never ‘stuck’, and we can always do something that is fulfilling, no matter what season of life we’re in. I can’t wait for you to listen to our conversation-we have so much in common, and I have no doubt you will be inspired after you listen to this episode!
Get 15% off your American Woman Beauty purchase with the code HOTMESS at checkout!
If you’re ready for a life coach, connect with me here: https://theheartofconfidence.com/
I would love to continue this conversation-connect with me over on Instagram!
This episode is sponsored by Perfectly Imperfect Membership-https://theheartofconfidence.com/membership.
If you’re feeling like a hot mess and you know you need a change, or you’re just ready to level up and not sure where to start, you can try my new membership risk free for 7 days!
FULL SHOW NOTES: https://theheartofconfidence.com/episode117